At some point, JavaScript got good

Years ago, I'm not sure I knew of anyone who liked JavaScript, but since ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) things have been steadily improving to the point where today the language is (dare I say) actually pretty good.


It’s finally Friday — this week took forever! I got a replacement standing desk that’s been sitting (heheh) there since Tuesday, waiting for me to assemble it. I’m hoping to have some time to put that together tonight.


Added a new “Note” post type to the site.

These posts only appear on the homepage and on the All Notes page. They don’t have a title and are meant for short updates (like this), ephemera, and anything else that isn’t classified as a full post or shared link.


From Linux back to the Mac

Chronicling my six-month journey daily-driving Linux (EndeavourOS) and the eventual return to macOS, plus some thoughts and opinions.
