Some website improvements:

I added support for (small) post images on full article/blog entries. I went back and added images to some of the posts, but there’s a few more I need to backfill. I also made “Note” entries (like this) more visually distinct from other types of posts.


At some point, JavaScript got good

JavaScript Logo

Years ago, I'm not sure anyone liked JavaScript, but since ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) things have been steadily improving to the point where today the language is (dare I say) actually pretty good.


It’s finally Friday — this week took forever! I got a replacement standing desk that’s been sitting (heheh) there since Tuesday, waiting for me to assemble it. I’m hoping to have some time to put that together tonight.


Added a new “Note” post type to the site.

These posts only appear on the homepage and on the All Notes page. They don’t have a title and are meant for short updates (like this), ephemera, and anything else that isn’t classified as a full post or shared link.
