It’s been a pretty busy week for me so I’ve mostly been sharing links lately (about one interesting link a day), but I have a few pieces of long-form content in the works so stay tuned!


Just finished reading Ruby Ridge by Jess Walter and added it to the Reading List. It’s a pretty long book, but very interesting so it’s easy to get through.

I didn’t know anything about this tragic event from the early 90s, and now I feel well informed about the entire thing (including the subsequent trial and aftermath). Recommended.


Easing into TypeScript

JavaScript to TypeScript

After initially avoiding it, these days I wouldn't start a new project without TypeScript. Here's my pragmatic approach to migrating an existing JS codebase even if you're a TypeScript newbie.

Text content for shared links is now shown on the home page, indented (with an arrow). The commentary I was adding to links wasn’t discoverable, so this brings it to the forefront. I also added some newsletter callouts to article pages (and switched my newsletter provider to Beehiv).

Overall I’m realy happy with the way the site and its design is evolving.
